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08/06/2010 09:56

Current Report No. 31/2010

Polish Energy Partners S.A. (‘PEP’) hereby informs that on 8th June 2010 PEP and GDF Suez Energia Polska S.A. (‘GDF’) and Gamma Sp. z o.o. (‘SPV’) concluded a number of agreements as a result of which (i) SPV acquired from PEP the right to implementation of Wartkowo Wind Farm Project (‘Project’), (ii) SPV repaid the loans granted among others by PEP, (iii) GDF acquired 100% of SPV shares (‘Agreements’). The Agreements do not include provisions on contractual penalties. The total value of PEP revenue from performance of the Agreements will amount to approximately PLN 18.7 million. The transaction will be recognised by PEP in the results for 2nd quarter 2010. The transaction impact upon PEP unit and consolidated net profit will amount to approximately PLN 10 million. The aforementioned transaction constitutes implementation of the plan of sale of two fully developed wind farm projects in 2010 which is the basis of the forecast for 2010. The second project sale is planned for 4th quarter 2010.

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