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29/05/2009 16:06

Artur Olszewski is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University (the Second prize of the University’s Vice-Chancellor for the M.A. paper on the environmental protection law). He is also a graduate of the Executive Management Studies at the Management and Finance School of the Warsaw School of Economics. He passed an exam for candidates to the position of supervisory board members in State Treasury companies.

Since 1996, Artur Olszewski has been holding the position of the Management Board President and a shareholder of “Akademicki Instytut Naukowy” sp. z o.o., a limited liability company operating training programs. Since 1997, he has been holding the position of the Deputy President of the Management Board and a shareholder of “Util” sp. z o.o., a limited liability company whose business activity involves industrial waste management.  Additionally, since 2000, Artur Olszewski has been holding the position of the Deputy President of the Management Board and a shareholder of “Arkuszowa Drukarnia Offsetowa” sp. z o.o., a limited liability company that renders printing and advertisement services. Since 2006, Artur Olszewski has been the owner of “Elektrownia Biogazowa we Frankach” that operates an energy recycling facility for a landfill, as well as the Management Board President and a shareholder of “Energia 3000” sp. z o.o., a limited liability company and a manager for the enterprise of “Elektrownia Biogazowa we Frankach”.  Artur Olszewski is also a Management Board Member and a shareholder of “Friendly Energy Poland” sp. z o.o., a limited liability company that develops new technologies.  Since 2006, Artur Olszewski has been a partner (a limited partner) of “Łuczyński i Wspólnicy – Kancelaria Prawna” a law firm operating as a limited partnership.

Artur Olszewski has been a member of the Company’s Supervision Board since 2006.

Artur Olszewski is not engaged in any activity competitive towards the Company.

Artur Olszewski is not recorded in the Register of Insolvent Debtors run pursuant to the National Court Register Law.

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