The Management Board of Polenergia S.A. (“Issuer”) in reference to current report No. 21/2021 of 22 May 2021 hereby reports changes in the agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Issuer convened at 18 June 2021 made as a result of requests of the Issuer’s shareholders: BIF IV Europe Holdings Limited with its registered office in London and Mansa Investments Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, Poland (hereinafter jointly “Shareholders”).
Changes in the agenda consist in introduction of new items:
1. adoption of a resolution on appointment of Mr. Grzegorz Stanisławski to the Supervisory Board;
2. adoption of a resolution on dismissal of Ms. Marjolein Helder from the Supervisory Board.
3. adoption of a resolution on appointment of Mr. Ignacio Paz-Ares Aldanondo to the Supervisory Board;
4. adoption of a resolution on appointment of Mr. Thomas Joseph O’Brien to the Supervisory Board;
5. adoption of a resolution on amendments in the Company’s Articles of Association for the purpose of authorising the Company’s Management Board to increase the share capital as part of the target capital along with the possibility of excluding, by the Company’s Management Board, of the pre-emptive right to shares issued as part of the target capital fully or in part upon the approval of the Company’s Supervisory Board;
6. adoption of a resolution on amendments in the Company’s Articles of Association;
7. adoption of a resolution on amendments in the Company’s Articles of Association pertaining to granting, to Mansa Investments Sp. z o.o. and BIF IV Europe Holdings limited of personal rights to appoint members of the Company’s Management Board and the Supervisory Board and amendments in other provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association;
The change above was made pursuant to Art. 401 § 1, § 2 of the Code of Commercial Companies.
The new agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, the content of draft resolutions, the comparison of hitherto applicable provisions of the articles of association and the designed changes and a draft opinion of the Issuer’s Management Board on authorisation for the Management Board with respect to the exclusion of the pre-emptive right fully or in part upon the consent of the Supervisory Board constitutes schedules hereto.
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