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Polenergia To Invest in Edison Energia

Polenergia To Invest in Edison Energia

Polenergia, the largest private energy group in Poland, signed a preliminary purchase agreement for 100% of shares of Edison Energia. Merger of the two companies will allow Polenergia to greatly increase its share in the broadly understood dispersed energy sector, which is dynamically developing in Poland. The condition precedent for the transaction is the consent from the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Edison Energia is one of the fastest developing Polish photovoltaic companies. It offers innovative solutions in the area of photovoltaics, heat and optimised energy consumption. In less than two years, the company built over 20,000 photovoltaic installations for individual and business clients with a total capacity of 120 MWp. Every month, a team of almost 1,500 employees and contracting partners builds over 1,000 installations, which gives it the fifth place in Europe. Edison Energia is also one of the fastest growing fitters of heat pumps.

The transaction solidifies Polenergia’s leading position in the process of transforming the Polish energy sector into a zero emission economy. The Group is expanding its operation onto new business segments and procures access to top quality national sales network, a large database of clients and an extensive portfolio of innovative products and services. It efficiently diversifies the present-day areas of its operation and is becoming an important player at the newly-created market segment. The progressing decentralisation of the national energy sector, in which Polenergia has been participating for a long time, is already offering tangible benefits for the economy and the society. Significant technological progress nowadays allows for construction of environmentally friendly sources of generation and management of energy directly by the end recipients and allows for accomplishing a positive economic effect and stabilisation of expenses by the end clients.

“Polenergia’s strategic goal is to increase its presence among end clients. Acquisition of Edison Energia will not only enhance the product offer, but will also strengthen the potential of sale of green energy and additional services, both for business clients and for households. The transaction will also bring additional synergies resulting from the combination of sale competence and construction of prosumer energy sources at the disposal of Edison Energia with the competence or energy sale and management of green generating sources which are held and continually developed by the Polenergia Group,”

Michał Michalski Ph.D

President of the Management Board of Polenergia

The investment in Edison Energy forms a part of Polenergia’s vision of creating values for all stakeholders. It will allow for the participation of clients in technological progress, giving them access to innovative products relying on the sale of clean, green energy compliant with the Energia 2051 standard and will protect them from energy price raises. In the years to come, the end recipients will be able to get measurable benefits from using new generation energy, characterised by a full symbiosis of large-scale energy and prosumer energy. For the hitherto clients of Edison Energia, the change of ownership will not cause any additional formalities.

“Thanks to the transaction, we will be able to combine the offer of building a photovoltaic installation with the services of balancing and supply of 100% green electric energy generated in the renewable sources of Polenergia. This will guarantee our future success. Using Polenergia’s potential will also allow us to offer new services to the clients, among others an aggregator which will purchase the surplus of green energy from prosumer installations and re-sell it at the market at prices guaranteeing profitability of investments in photovoltaics,”

Kamil Sankowski

founder of Edison Energia

Photovoltaic projects are currently the main drivers of the national energy transformation. Thanks to continuous investments, the capacity of photovoltaic installations in the last 12 months was doubled and exceeded 5 GW. This makes up almost 10% of the entire capacity of the Polish energy system. A dynamic growth of this segment is confirmed by the data from the Ministry of Climate and the Environment. In 2015, only 4,000 prosumers operated in Poland. At the present moment, there are approx. 700,000 of them.

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