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Polenergia Group has published its 2024...

Polenergia Group has published its 2024 social engagement report. Nearly PLN 3.2 million to implement more than 440 projects

More than 440 projects in the area of social responsibility were implemented by Polenergia in 2024, allocating nearly PLN 3.2 million for this purpose, according to the group's published report on social engagement and biodiversity activities. The company was active in more than 20 locations in Poland, supporting initiatives to improve the quality of life of local communities, climate education and environmental protection. The group's plans for this year include the continuation of activities aimed at residents of areas near Polenergia's projects, the Group's employees and employees, as well as further biodiversity activities.

As Poland’s largest private energy group, Polenergia sets good market practices in terms of social responsibility. In accordance with its ESG strategy, the Group donates 1% of the consolidated net profit earned in the previous year to social involvement in a given year, with a minimum of 60% of the funds allocated to activities supporting projects for local communities. All activities in this area carried out in accordance with Polenergia Group’s Social Involvement Policy.

At Polenergia, we feel responsible for the environment and the local communities that live near our farms. For local residents, we want to be a partner, but also simply a good neighbor. We are active in various areas - we promote health and physical activity, support biodiversity, diversity and culture and education, passing on good energy. We also involve female employees in our programs. We have decided to donate 1% of the net profit of the entire group every year to social responsibility-related projects. I am pleased to say that for 2024 we have met this goal.

Adam Purwin

CEO Polenergia S.A.

Thanks to the donations made by the Polenergia Group, in 2024 local institutions, associations and organizations carried out a total of 443 projects. A significant portion of them were related to sports and health (32%) or education and culture (32%). Almost one in five projects (19%) of the year was related to diversity and equalization of opportunities, and 17% to the environment.

Among the institutions that received funding from Polenergia in 2024, the largest number were elementary schools, kindergartens and nurseries – 140, Municipal and City Offices – 47, and further NGOs – 45. The top five also included Fire Department units – 43, as well as Rural Housewives’ Circles and Senior Citizens’ Clubs – 33.

We have clearly defined rules on the way we allocate funds and settlements, which allow us to assess the impact and effectiveness of our activities. We carry out our activities in accordance with Polenergia Group's Social Commitment Policy. Nothing happens in our company by chance. We try to listen and carefully analyze the needs of local communities, and then respond to them so that our support brings real benefits every time. This year we still intend to be active in areas near our projects, but we also plan a number of initiatives for our male and female employees.

Biodiversity has an important place in our company, so we will carry out activities to support the restoration of ecosystems, and in cooperation with local communities, we will take care of the synergy of social and environmental projects. At the same time, we plan to continue our flagship projects, including the climate education program “Play Green with Us!”, enriched last year with an additional booklet on education in the area of biodiversity, or the active protection program for the Montagu's harrier, which has been running for more than 10 years.

Marta Porzuczek

Director of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development at Polenergia Group.

Polenergia Group’s full 2024 Community Engagement and Biodiversity Action Report is available here: Community Engagement Report 

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