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Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant

Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant

The Polenergia Group's Elektrociepłownia Nowa Sarzyna is located at the north-western edge of the town of Nowa Sarzyna. NSCP occupies an area of approximately 6 ha. The facility is located in an industrial area, in the direct vicinity of CIECH Sarzyna S.A. chemical plants. (CIECH Group) and Sarzyna Chemical Sp. z o.o. (Lerg Group).

816 GWh

gross production of electricity in 2020


production of heat for sale in 2020

The company generates electricity and heat. Energy is generated in cogeneration when natural gas or reserve fuel – light fuel oil – is burned in a combined cycle gas turbine unit. Heat generation is possible also without co-generation in a stand-by source – auxiliary boiler house fired with natural gas or light heating oil. The Company has 3 buyers of its products:

  • Polenergia Obrót S.A. – wholesale buyer of electricity,
  • Chemical plants (Sarzyna Chemical Sp. z o.o.) – buyer of heat for production and heating purposes and CIECH Sarzyna S.A. – buyer of electricity for the needs of the chemical plants,
  • Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej Nowa Sarzyna Sp. z o.o. – buyer of heat for heating purposes

Gross production of electricity in 2020 was 816,243 MWh and production of heat for sale 430,000 GJ. The company employs staff of 47.

The construction design and the funding in the project-finance formula was prepared and supervised by the Company’s first owner, i.e. the American corporation Enron (Houston, Texas). The construction of NSCP was started in mid-1998 and the combined heat and power plant started commercial operations on 1 June 2000. In 1997, NSCP entered into a long-term electricity sales agreement with Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE) and in 1998 entered into a 20-year agreement on supply of heat with the nearby Zakłady Chemiczne Organika-Sarzyna chemical plant. Additionally, since 2000, NSCP has been selling heat to the residents of the town of Nowa Sarzyna. For 20 years gas was supplied by Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo Trading Branch in Warsaw, based on the methane-rich natural gas purchase agreement, and in 2020 was supplied by a gas trading company owned by the PGNiG Group and supplemented by the Polenergia Obrót.

In 2011 NSCP was acquired by Kulczyk Investment. Currently the company is part of the Polenergia Group based in Warsaw. Since 2020 NSCP has been selling electricity to a trading company owned by the Polenergia Group. Heat is still sold to neighboring chemical plant and a local municipal utility.

The company also provides the self-start-up and recovery services for Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne under a revolving 3-year contract. The service included the self-start-up of gas turbine generator sets and their operation in a spun-off portion of the National Power System to the extent necessary for the proper course of the system restoration process after a complete or partial loss of voltage. The most crucial element of this process is to supply power from NSCP to start up the power block in the selected system power plant. NSCP is Poland’s first thermal power plant whose generating blocks are capable of self-start-up and may be used in the process of recovery of the National Power System. Before NSCP, only hydroelectric power plants had this technical capability.

PV installation in NSCP

890 kWp

Installed capacity of the installation


Number of solar panels

920 MWh

Expected annual energy production

In 2020, the Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant came up with the idea of building an environmentally-friendly photovoltaic installation, primarily to satisfy its own needs. The project included the supply and assembly of photovoltaic installations on the ground, on building roofs (Main Building, Administration Building, Water Supply Station, Auxiliary Boiler Room) on the facade of the Main Building and in the form of dedicated car-ports located in the parking lot.

The technologies used provide additional energy yield from the light reaching the back surface of the panels. To ensure the high efficiency of this solution, highly reflective coatings are used on the building roofs. In the ground installations, white clover was sown under the panels. In the part of the photovoltaic installation located on the roofs and on the façade, the SolarEdge technology has been applied, thanks to which each panel is monitored independently, through the so-called optimizers, which ensures the resistance of the installation to external interference.

NSCP has a certificate of a Capacity Market participant and contracted a capacity obligation for 2021-2025

Since 2014, NSCP has had in place an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in the field of electricity and heat cogeneration. In May 2020, Lloyd’s Register Polska carried out an environmental audit in connection with recertification of the environmental management system for compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. NSCP received a new ISO 14001:2015 Approval Certificate for the Environmental Management System for co-generation of electricity and heat, valid for 3 years, i.e. from 11 June 2020 to 10 June 2023.

In 2011, by decision of the Voivodeship Commandant of the State Fire Service, NSCP was entered in the list of facilities with a high or elevated risk of a major industrial failure located in Nowa Sarzyna commune. The list also includes the chemical plants of CIECH Sarzyna S.A. and Silikony Polskie Sp. z o.o., and, as of 2020, also another company – Sarzyna Chemical.

The applied technologies and the quantities of fuels and commodities consumed as well as operational indicators (efficiency, availability and reliability) minimize the adverse impact of NSCP on the natural environment, including the climate, compared to facilities of a similar capacity, e.g. those fired with coal. NSCP does not generate any sludge waste, its greenhouse gas emissions are lower by almost 50%, its NOx emissions are approx. 7 times lower and emits SO2 and dust in trace amounts. The applied technology limits the quantity and aggressiveness of industrial wastewater, while the recycling of rainwater and condensate and the use of condensate from the heating systems translates into a lower consumption of raw water.

Prizes and rankings

  • In 2019, NSCP received the WPROST Eagles Diploma of the Podkarpackie Province – a distinction of the “Wprost” weekly.
  • In 2019, Nowa Sarzyna Cogeneration Plant received the Business Quality Certificate “Business Fair Play”.
  • In 2019, NSCP President Jacek Głowacki was awarded the title of Business Fair Play Ambassador.

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