Green Bond

Being one of the leaders of the renewable energy market in Poland, the Polenergia Group plays a significant role in the process of striving to achieve climate neutrality. Taking into account the goals contained in the Paris Agreement, the EU greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and the decarbonization goals internally imposed by the Company, it is necessary to increase financing opportunities for environmentally sustainable investments.

The Group has created the Green Bond Framework, which aims to define the rules and activities enabling the Company to issue green bonds (the “Green Bonds”) –also including any type of note, commercial paper, structured and promissory notes, and/or any other financial instrument commonly accepted in domestic and/or international markets–, to finance and/or refinance, in whole or in part, eligible assets and expenditures (the “Eligible Green Projects”) that meet the eligibility criteria defined herein (the “Eligibility Criteria”). In this way, the Group intends to obtain funds necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the Group’s Development Strategy and the ESG Strategy.

The document was prepared based on the International Capital Market Association’s principles on the issuance of green bonds (ICMA Green Bond Principles 2021 edition with June 2022 update1). In addition, the Emissions Framework refers to the EU Taxonomy (a classification system that allows the identification of environmentally sustainable activities) and to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The document will be in force until any green bonds issued by the Group remain are outstanding.

1 Green Bond Principles » ICMA (

Pursuant to Article 35 (1a) and (1c) of the Bonds Act, the Company presents forecasts of the development of financial liabilities, including the estimated value of financial liabilities and the estimated financing structure, understood as the value and percentage share of liabilities from credit and loans, the issue of debt securities, and leasing in the total liabilities of Polenergia S.A. and Polenergia S.A. Capital Group.

  31 December 2024 31 December 2025
Polenergia S.A.    
Estimated value of financial liabilities
(from credit and loans, issue of debt securities, and leasing)
PLN 762 million 1 528 million
Percentage share in total liabilities 18% 29%
Polenergia S.A. Capital Group    
Estimated value of financial liabilities
(from credit and loans, issue of debt securities, and leasing)
PLN 2 355 mln 3 005 million
Percentage share in total liabilities 32% 37%


Last updated 08/10/2024

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