In the first quarter the upward trend in the green certificate market continued. From the price decline recorded in mid-2017, their valuation increased by 200 percent. The average value of green certificates in the first quarter of 2018 reached the level of PLN 63 per MWh, whereas in the first quarter of 2017 it was PLN 35 per MWh. However, it is far from the levels recorded two years ago. In the first quarter of 2016 the average price of green certificates reached the level of PLN 114.5 per MWh.
When analyzing the results of Polenergia achieved in the first three months of 2018, a 5-percent increase in sales revenues, compared to the first quarter of 2017, is worth noting. The result at the level of PLN 747 million is brought about by higher sales revenues in the trading, wind and conventional energy segment. The adjusted EBITDA result in the discussed period amounted to PLN 38.9 million and it was lower by PLN 3.6 million as compared to the previous year, mainly due to a lower margin on energy trading in the trading segment caused by negative valuation of agreements in the trading portfolio, partially offset by a higher result in the wind energy segment. This segment recorded an increase in EBITDA by PLN 2.7 million to PLN 23.3 million, which was a result of higher prices for the sale of green certificates and lower operating costs, partially offset by lower production. The EBITDA result of the conventional energy segment reached the level of PLN 17.1 million and is lower than in the first quarter of 2017, mainly due to a rise in prices of gas and 3 CO2 emission allowances, as well as a lower projected gas compensation. The EBITDA of the distribution segment in the first quarter of this year amounted to PLN 3.7 million. Its decrease was evoked by a lower level of connection fees and a lower margin on distribution activity resulting from a delay in an entry into force of the tariff update.
As a result of the events described above, the adjusted EBITDA margin for the first quarter of 2018 amounted to 5.2 percent, whereas the adjusted EBITDA margin, trading activity excluded (this segment is characterised by a relatively low unit margin at a very high volume of transactions), fell in the discussed period to 28.1 percent.