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Strategic directions

Strategic directions

We are the first Polish company which has subordinated its development vision to building a zero-emission economy. We believe that transforming the local energy sector requires the creation of entirely new business models that change the way we think about generating, delivering and using energy.

We refer to the direction we are taking as the New Energy Sector. We understand it as a system of innovative solutions based on technologically advanced green energy sources and innovative products created in accordance with the Energy 2051 standard we are developing.

Read more about the Group's approach to ESG

Thanks to our forward-looking approach, Polenergia’s offer already meets the requirements of the European Green Deal, which will apply to all companies in the sector in over a quarter of a century. Looking at our Group, in many ways, you can get an idea of how the energy sector will look after 2050.

Directions of development included in the Strategy for 2020-2024

Building a zero-carbon economy

through efforts in all links of our business model – generation, distribution, trading and sales, as well as new business areas. Our goal is to increase the base of environmentally conscious corporate and retail customers using Energy 2051 compliant products. With advanced source integration and balancing solutions, we are providing market access to a growing number of cooperating generators. We are also developing competences in the area of services aimed at prosumers and a wide group of people and entities interested in the development of electromobility. Our ambition is to maintain the position of an expert in the wholesale market in Poland and abroad.

Development of offshore wind energy

The total capacity of the projects developed by Polenergia in cooperation with Equinor is as much as 3,000 MW. We are the leader in the development of Polish wind farms in the Baltic Sea. Their launch will cause a sharp increase in the green capacities available to our Group and will significantly change the landscape of the Polish energy sector. The most advanced projects, Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III, will have a total capacity of 1,440 MW. Thus, these projects were included in the first phase of offshore wind energy development in Poland.


Development of green assets onshore

We have a broad portfolio of modern wind and photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 530 MW. In this way, we are able to supply hundreds of thousands of households with green energy. We have recently launched three wind farms - Dębsk Wind Farm, Piekło Wind Farm and Grabowo Wind Farm. The Dębsk Wind Farm is one of the largest wind farms in Poland. The 121 MW wind farm consists of 55 turbines and is capable of supplying green energy to around 183,000 households per year.


Green hydrogen production

Hydrogen is the technology of tomorrow for us and a chance to accelerate the Polish green transformation. We see the potential of hydrogen as a fuel of the future, a key raw material for many industries and a battery accumulating the energy produced by our green assets. We are developing green hydrogen electrolysers with a total capacity of 110 MW, including a large-scale green hydrogen production project in Upper Silesia. Our most advanced project is H2HUB Nowa Sarzyna. We are also working towards adapting the Group's combined heat and power plant to co-combustion of hydrogen.


Innovative products and services that comply with the Energy 2051 standard

The green energy we generate is delivered to end users in the form of products and services, the vast majority of which we develop in line with the Energy 2051 standard. Our goal is to maintain our position as a respected expert on the wholesale market – both in Poland and abroad. We are strengthening the business line that provides market access to generators by integrating their green energy sources with business clients. We sell green energy to B2B and B2C customers.


ESG and sustainable development

Our unique green business model is not only a way to implement Polenergia’s mission, but also a conscious business choice. We are distinguished by thinking about the Group’s development beyond the economic dimension and in line with the ESG approach. Polenergia’s record results and the increase of the company’s value prove that focusing on environmental and social issues as well as effective and ethical management is the future of the energy sector and the direction of development appreciated by the market. While we care about the future of our planet, we also care about building shareholder value.

Download a presentation on our Strategy

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