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16/04/2010 09:59

Current Report No. 25/2010

Polish Energy Partners S.A. (‘Company’) hereby informs to have been notified on 15th April 2010 that Pioneer Fundusz Inwestycyjny Otwarty (‘Pioneer FIO’) increased its share in the Company up to 11.67%. As a result Pioneer FIO holds 2 266 780 shares of the Company representing 11.67% of the total number of the Company shares and votes at the Company General Assembly. Before the said transaction Pioneer FIO held 91 985 shares of the Company representing 0.47% of the total number of the Company shares and votes at the Company General Assembly. The aforementioned change resulted solely from the transformation of 8 investment funds into Pioneer FIO subfunds. The said transformation took place on 9th April 2010. In line with the information, further investment decisions shall be based on the fundamental analysis of the Company. The purchase or sales decisions may be influenced by payments and withdrawals of the customers. The investment in the Company is aimed at increasing the value of portfolios managed by Pioneer Pekao Investment Management S.A.

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