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Setting the selling price of Shares...

Setting the selling price of Shares Sold

27/04/2005 11:20

Polish Energy Partners S.A. hereby informs that on 27 April 2005, Polish Enterprise Fund, L.P. headquartered in Jersey City, USA, and Polenergy Investments B.V. headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, set the Selling Price of Shares Sold in public offering at PLN 7.80 (PLN seven and 80/100) per one Share Sold.

As a result, the following sections of the Prospectus have been amended:

Chapter III page 56 item 10.3.2.

Former text:

“The Selling Price of Shares Sold shall be set by Introducing Brokers as agreed with the Offeror based on the results of the bookbuilding process.

The Selling Price shall be equal and uniform in both Tranches.

The Selling Price shall be published in the form of an Announcement by 8.00 a.m. on the opening day for subscription in the Institutional Tranche.”

Current text:

“The Selling price of Shares Sold is PLN 7.80 per one Share Sold. The Selling Price shall be equal and uniform in both Tranches.”

Legal basis:
Art. § 81 section 1 item 1 of the Ordinance by the Council of Ministers on current and interim information provided by issuers of securities – information requiring amendment of the Prospectus

Anna Kwarcińska – Member of the Executive Board
Grzegorz Skarżyński – Vice President of the Executive Board

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