With reference to Current Report No. 12/2019 of 13th March 2019 (’Current Report’), the Management Board of Polenergia S.A. (‘Company’), hereby notifies that:
1) a new item 12 was added to the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting (‘OGM’) convened for 17th April 2019, and it reads as follows:
12. “Adoption of a resolution on the remuneration for Members of the Supervisory Board,” and items 12–15 of the agenda of the Company’s OGM announced with the Current Report are now numbered 13–16;
2) as part of self-amendment, changes were made to the drafts of the following resolutions:
a) as regards the approval of the Company’s financial statement for the financial year ended on 31st December 2018, in § 1 (ii) the net loss value was adjusted,
b) as regards the approval of the Company’s financial statement for the financial year ended on 31st December 2018, in § 1 (ii) the cash balances increase value was adjusted,
c) as regards covering the loss incurred in the financial year ended on 31st December 2018, the net loss value was adjusted;
3) a draft resolution for item 14 (formerly item 13) of the agenda of the Company’s OGM was attached, and it regards the authorization of the Supervisory Board of the Company to introduce a unified text of the amended Articles of Association of the Company and to introduce editorial changes to the Articles of Association of the Company.
Pursuant to Art. 401 § 2 of the Commercial Company Code, the Company hereby attaches a new OGM agenda, amended at a request of a Shareholder.
The change to the agenda was based on the submitted to the Company, pursuant to Art. 401 § 1 of the Commercial Company Code, request of a Shareholder – Aviva Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne Aviva Santander S.A. – of 26th March 2019 containing a draft resolution along with a justification on the determination of the remuneration for Members of the Supervisory Board.
1) announcement of convening the General Meeting,
2) draft resolutions of the General Meeting.
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