The Management Board of Polenergia S.A. in Warsaw (‘Issuer’) hereby notifies that on 29th March 2019 the Issuer’s subsidiaries, Amon Sp. z o.o. (‘Amon’) and Talia Sp. z o.o. (‘Talia’), concluded Service Agreements with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Sp. z o.o. The Agreements relate to maintenance services – the scheduled, preventive and corrective service of two wind farms belonging to Polenergia Group, namely Łukaszów and Modlikowice projects. The Agreements include the service of Vestas V90 turbines with a capacity of 2.0 MW each, 17 turbines for Amon and 12 turbines for Talia respectively.
The Agreements are concluded for a period of 23 years and their implementation will start on 1st April 2019. They include standard market terms used in such agreements, among others, provisions regarding termination of agreements and contractual penalties.
The estimated value of the agreement concluded by Amon is PLN 77,000,000 and the value of the agreement concluded by Talia is PLN 54,300,000.
The Issuer considers the Service Agreements as material due to the fact that the wind farm activity is one of the Issuer’s main areas of operation, and the Agreements concluded for 23 years extend the service period of the wind turbines to a total of 30 years.
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