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Clear Channel digital carriers powered by green energy from Polenergia Sprzedaż

Polenergia will power the Clear Channel Poland network of advertising media with green energy for the next 5 years. This is the result of a long-term smart cPPA agreement. Energy supplies, carried out by Polenergia Sprzedaż, started on January 1, 2024.

Polenergia Sprzedaż signed a long-term smart cPPA agreement with Clear Channel Poland. This is an agreement concluded by the energy recipient directly with its producer. It means, that for the next 5 years, advertising media owned by Clear Channel Poland will be powered by energy from Polenergia’s renewable sources. Green energy for Clear Channel will be produced at the Dębsk Wind Farm, which consists of 55 turbines with a total capacity of 121 MW. The power plant, opened in 2023, is one of the largest wind farms in Poland.

– Cooperation of Polenergia Sprzedaż with the world leader in outdoor activities will help promote sustainable solutions based on renewable energy in this industry and at the same time inspire other market participants to take similar actions. Thanks to the long-term smart cPPA agreement that we have signed, Clear Channel Poland can not only significantly reduce its carbon footprint, but also stand out among the competition as a company that cares about the future of our planet. We are proud that we can help with this

Robert Rutowicz

Member of the Management Board of Polenergia Sprzedaż

Clear Channel Poland is the Polish branch of the world leader in outdoor advertising. The company operates in 24 countries on 3 continents. In Poland, it has over 5,000 advertising spaces located in 15 largest cities. Each year, Clear Channel Poland conducts several thousand advertising campaigns.

– The number of digital screens in Clear Channel Poland is growing dynamically, expanding our Digital Out of Home Offer. This brings a number of new challenges and opportunities. We want to offer our advertisers the widest possible campaign reach, but location, quality of media and care for the natural environment always play a special role for us - our Out of Home Offer is a premium advertising offer

Magdalena Bandurska

Head of Development Clear Channel Poland

Clear Channel Poland is owned by Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings (CCOH). CCOH’s ESG priorities are a fair environment, diversity and inclusion, ethical regulations, communities, fair relationships and a platform for brands – supporting them in sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

– We decided to establish a key partnership with Polenergia Sprzedaż to contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. We want not only to talk, but also to actually act in this direction, what we constantly do. It is worth mentioning that from 2022, all screens installed in Clear Channel have a number of certificates that prove, among others: high performance in terms of sustainability, beyond that we are also a partner of a network of charging stations for electric vehicles powered by green energy. Cooperation with Polenergia Sprzedaż is the next important stage of our activities in order to achieve the intended result

Magdalena Bandurska

Head of Development Clear Channel Poland

Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (cPPA) are contracts concluded by the energy recipient directly with its producer. In the case of Polenergia, this means a producer who has a wide portfolio of Renewable Energy Sources. During this time, energy is sold at a previously agreed price. A PPA agreement concluded with a producer who owns renewable energy sources allows the recipient to become independent from market fluctuations in energy prices.

Smart cPPA and Standard Energia 2051 are new types of contracts addressed to all customers with annual consumption up to 10 GWh, for which cPPA agreements have not been available so far. The energy comes from renewable sources with a guarantee that, on average, in each hour, energy was produced in a renewable energy source and delivered to the customer for his or her needs, with an accuracy of not less than 95%.

In exchange for up to 5% of the missing generation supplemented from the market, the same amount of energy is sold back to the market but at different times, replenishing the volume of green energy up to 100%. Energy prices are similar to black energy contracts. The only differences may be due to the cost of the guarantee of origin. Most importantly, the carbon footprint in the fuel structure for Smart cPPA and Standard E2051 is shown as zero.

Contact for smart cPPA:

Tomasz Janas
Ekspert ds. pozyskania klienta biznesowego
+48 453 053 156

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